Thursday, February 23, 2012


I love windows. I love opening them, sitting next to them, looking out of them, and the idea of them. I love how they connect you to nature even when you are inside. I love the light, the openness, the view, and the air that they give. The air even smells better  (this is the best smell in the world.)and the music sounds more beautiful when they are open. I love how they blow your hair, the aroma of outside in, and the life back into you. I love that they are a personal weatherman. I love all kinds of windows; long ones, short ones; fat ones, skinny ones, big ones, small ones; open ones, closed ones; blinded ones, naked ones; and ones with different views. I love how they invite the outdoors in, and the indoors out. One day I will have a house with windows everywhere and with every kind of window. There will be BIG ones that make me feel like I'm outside, and itty bitty ones that give passerbys a surprise, burst of light. There will be some with seats next to them because books are better when read this way. Some will house flowers, others will have shades, and some will be nothing but glass. And you can bet that most of them will be open at all times of the day. Here are some of my favorite windows:

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